If you are the owner of a rental property, you need tenants to occupy your property. As not all tenants are reliable, what you will also need is rigorous tenant screening processes in place to ensure that the people who move into your property can be trusted to pay their rent and to take good care of your property. Here are some things involved in the screening process:
- Establishing the screening criteria – landlords can determine their own criteria for screening tenants, as long as those conditions are non-discriminatory. Determining your criteria should be the first step – your criteria will determine all the other phases of the screening process as well;
- Research – the tenant screening process should also involve checking the applicants in various data bases, such as criminal records, payment and eviction history in previous tenancies, employment history, bankruptcies and requesting various types of relevant documents from the tenant;
- Interviews – a personal meeting with the applicant is also essential. The way that meeting goes will reveal a lot about the applicant’s personality and reliability.
You can choose to handle those processes or you can hire one of the best tenant screening apartment management companies Denver has to make sure that your tenants are reliable. The services of these companies come for a fee, but they have access to all the databases that you need and they will also perform the interview professionally on your behalf.